Care Homes

Care Home Appointments

Length: 30 minutes (£50.00 per resident if seeing 3 or more on the same day, £80.00 otherwise)

"Compassionate Dental Care for Our Beloved Seniors: Enriching Lives in Care Homes"

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At our esteemed mobile dental hygienist practice, we extend our heartfelt commitment to providing exceptional dental care to our treasured seniors residing in care homes. With a deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges faced by the elderly, we have tailored our services to ensure their oral well-being remains at the forefront of our care.

Our team embraces a compassionate approach, recognizing the importance of building meaningful connections with our elderly patients and the care homes they reside in. Before any treatment begins, we take the time to engage in warm and friendly conversations, allowing us to gain valuable insights into their individual histories, concerns, and aspirations. Through this personal interaction, we forge a bond of trust, ensuring that each dental experience is met with comfort, dignity, and respect.

Understanding the complexities of oral health in later years, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive dental care tailored specifically for the elderly. Our specialized service encompasses a holistic approach to address the unique oral health challenges faced by seniors, promoting optimal well-being and quality of life.

Our skilled professionals prioritize the comfort and safety of our elderly patients. With gentle expertise, we conduct thorough oral examinations, taking into account factors such as age-related conditions, i.e alzheimer’s, dementia, dental conditions such as dry mouth or potential mobility limitations. Through meticulous assessment, we identify any oral health issues and develop individualized treatment plans that prioritize both oral health and overall well-being.

To ensure the highest level of care, our dental professionals possess a wealth of experience in geriatric dentistry. We provide gentle, tailored dental treatments and periodontal care designed to address the specific needs of our elderly patients. With meticulous attention to detail, we alleviate any discomfort or pain, while enhancing oral function and promoting a confident smile. We also recognise that there are some things outside the scope of a hygienist to be able to deal with and our team are confident and skilled in recognising and addressing concerns that would need the expertise of a dentist. We inform the family and care home managers of our findings so that they may arrange a visit by a dentist to address any issues found.

Recognizing that transportation and mobility can pose challenges for our elderly patients, we offer convenient on-site visits to care homes, sparing them the inconvenience of travel. Our compassionate team extends our care directly to their doorsteps, bringing comfort, reassurance, and top-quality dental services directly to their place of residence.

Above all, we cherish the opportunity to enhance the lives of our beloved seniors through our exceptional dental care. We believe that maintaining optimal oral health contributes to overall well-being, enabling our elderly patients to enjoy a higher quality of life and experience the joys of smiling, eating, and communicating with confidence.

As we bid farewell after each visit, we leave behind more than just healthier smiles—we leave behind a profound sense of care, compassion, and support. We are honored to be entrusted with the oral health of our cherished seniors and remain committed to enriching their lives through our exceptional, award nominated dental service.